
Members and Registered user's, please login below. If you haven’t been issued a password then please use the password reset link at the bottom of this page.

Members who haven't used the online entry system before

If you are an existing Northumberland and Durham L.R.C. member but haven’t used this online system, please follow the reset password process (at the bottom of the page) to generate a new password.

We have already created you an account using the email address and details we have on file.

To become a Northumberland and Durham Club member please see the membership information section on our main website.

Contact us if you need help to retrieve your login details or if you have any problems getting logged in.

Non-Member Registration

If you are not a Northumberland and Durham L.R.C. member and have never registered on this system before, please complete the registration form below.

This will create an account on our website and you can then enter our events as a non-member.

If you are a non-member of Northumberland and Durham L.R.C. but have registered on this system before, please DO NOT RE-REGISTER.

Contact us if you need help to retrieve your login details.

Reset Password / Create Password

Forgotten your password? Click here to reset it.